Camila Becerra

Camila is a consultant for the Legal Program in Colombia on issues related to human mobility and human rights. She develops actions of denunciation, advocacy, dissemination of information, and accompaniment for the promotion of a dignified life free of violence for the population in contexts of human mobility.

She has degrees in Law and Sociology from the Universidad Javeriana, with training in creative theories and methodologies in the construction of cultures of peace, and social mapping and spatial analysis of socio-territorial problems. She is currently pursuing a specialization in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law at the National University of Colombia.

Before joining Race and Equality, she worked as a legal advisor in different areas accompanying rural communities, Afro-descendants, people with trans life experience, and people in situations of human mobility. She has experience in migration, international protection, and asylum. Additionally, she is a field researcher and worked on the design and construction of educational programs in legal matters, as well as in the analysis of socio-territorial conflicts, advising communities in situations of vulnerability in achieving their community perspectives of future and justice.

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