Elvia Duque

Elvia works on advocacy projects within the sphere of the Organization of American States, principally in favor of the ratification of the Inter-American Convention Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Related Forms of Intolerance.

Previously, Elvia worked for many years as the International Affairs Director at the organization Afroamérica XXI. In this role, she advocated for the Afro-Latino population and was the coordinator of many international projects for Afro-Latinos. Also, along with the organization Global Rights – Partners for Justice, she was one of the Afro-Latino leaders who helped to advocate for the creation of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Persons of African Descent and against Racial Discrimination at the OAS. As a member of various Afro-Latino organizations, she has published numerous training materials and is the author of the book entitled Aportes del pueblo afrodescendiente. La historia oculta de América Latina. Elvia Duque studied Law at the Universidad Santiago de Cali and was born in Cali, Colombia.


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