Luz Mateo Cielo

Luz implements the communication strategies of the LGBTI Program working with staff and activists in Latin America and the Caribbean to promote the LGBTI+ work of Race and Equality and our partners.

Previously, she worked as a consultant in the area of communications for various feminist non-governmental organizations such as the Estudio por la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (DEMUS), Movimiento Manuela Ramos, and Lesbianas Independientes Feministas Socialistas (LIFS), all dedicated to the protection and promotion of the human rights of women and LGBTI+ and gender diverse people.

She has experience carrying out communication campaigns for political and social advocacy incoordination with independent activists, groups, and civil society organizations. Among her most prominent campaigns is #LesbianasCedaw and Generación Z; the first was part of a coalition of human rights organizations and the second, part of a project by UNICEF, Promundo, and Movimiento Manuela Ramos.

Luz has a B.A. in Journalism and Communication from the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC).

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