Human Rights Day: We Remain Committed to the Defense of Human Rights in Latin America

Human Rights Day: We Remain Committed to the Defense of Human Rights in Latin America

Washington, D.C. December 10, 2019. The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights today joins the celebration of International Human Rights Day, which commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly. Seventy-one years after the approval of the document that marked a milestone in the recognition of the inherent rights of all human beings, establishing that they should be respected without distinction as to race, color, religion, sex, language, political opinions, origin, or any other condition, the Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights (Race and Equality)continues to advocate for the compliance with and defense of said Declaration.

On this day, we remember that the human rights situation in Latin America is critical, and therefore, urgent action by the States is needed to effectively monitor and guarantee the rights of its citizens, especially those populations that have historically been marginalized.

In Cuba, we are concerned about the situation of political prisoners and the harassment and repression against independent activists and journalists. The case of political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer García, General Coordinator and founder of the Unión Patriótica de Cuba – UNPACU (Patriotic Union of Cuba), is alarming, seeing as three months have passed since his arrest, he is yet to be granted a trial, and he is ill-treated in the cells of the prison in which he is detained. His situation is especially worrisome because he could have the same fate as several other independent activists who have been convicted of common crimes upon expressing their opinions. For example, the Dama de Blanco (Lady in White) Martha Sánchez is currently in prison under a sentence of four and a half years. Similarly, the situation of independent activists and journalists suffering from travel restrictions without any legal justification is alarming.  This violates every Cuban citizen’s right to freedom of circulation. Regarding this situation, we support the proposal for a peaceful and symbolic demonstration in favor of the right to free circulation that will be held this Tuesday at the José Martí International Airport terminal. We recall that any demonstration or peaceful expression of an individual constitutes an inalienable right under international law.

In Nicaragua, the serious political and human rights crisis that the country has been facing for almost 20 months does not seem to improve. Authorities refuse to respect dissenting voices and continue to violate the human rights of Nicaraguans, including the right to protest, to free mobilization, and to freedom of expression and of the press. To date, about 150 prisoners and political prisoners have been counted, who all go through corrupt trials that lack constitutional guarantees. Nor have international organizations such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) or the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) been allowed to return to the country, while local organizations face persecution and the permanent siege by police and government-related groups.

In Colombia, the violence that is experienced after the signing of the Peace Agreement prevents us from thinking about true progress over the inequalities, marginalization, and terror that still exist in the Colombian territories. Today, the systematic assassination of social leaders is one phenomenon that lacerates the integrity of human rights defenders. According to official figures, approximately 343 homicides of social leaders were reported between January 2016 and August 2018; however, civil society organizations report more than 400, of which around 40% were against Afro-descendant and indigenous leaders. To this is added the “statistical genocide” that represents the latest results of the population survey: official figures reported 2.9 million people who recognized themselves as Afro-descendants in the 2018 Census, at least one million less than reported in 2005. This month, after two weeks of national strikes and social mobilizations of the Colombian people that call for immediate and urgent responses to serious violations of fundamental rights from the State, the breach in the effective implementation of the Peace Agreement, and the commitments accepted in matters of truth, justice, reparation, and guarantees of non-repetition, representatives of civil society organizations continue to support the construction of peace through a peaceful route that makes it possible to come together in the midst of differences.

Part of the Race and Equality team along with human rights defenders from Latin America.

During 2019, the persistent violence and discrimination against the Afro-LGBTI population was a problem that was studied more closely by the International Human Rights Protection Systems. This year a hearing was held before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the situation of the Afro-LGBTI population in the Americas, with the presence of representatives from Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Peru. Additionally, the UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), Victor Madrigal, met in Colombia with Afro-LGBTI organizations in Cartagena, and Commissioner Margarette Macaulay visited Afro-LGBTI activists from the Favela de Maré in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.  

All these activities are framed in a year in which violence against Afro-LGBTI people has persisted. Brazil remains the country with the highest number of murders of trans people in the world. According to current data from the Associação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais – ANTRA (National Association of Trans People) in Brazil at least 106 transgender people were killed in Brazil until November of 2019.  Many of these victims are Afro-descendant trans women. In other countries such as Colombia and the Dominican Republic, violence against the Afro-LGBTI population still persists, with the reoccurrence of many homicide cases. Other expressions of violence, as in the case of Nicaragua, are strongly associated with a repressive political and religious context that impacts the lives of LGBTI activists, even reaching measures such as exile, to avoid arbitrary detentions and torture.

In Mexico, Panama, and Peru, the incorporation of racial and ethnic self-identification questions in population and housing censuses remains a great challenge in the collection of real and permanent statistical data that reflects the characteristics of the Afro-descendant and indigenous populations of those States. Civil society organizations have repeatedly denounced the lack of statistical information on ethnic peoples, stating that it is due, among other things, to a lack of dialogue and participatory work, seeking to develop questions of racial self-identification in conjunction with ethnic communities. On the contrary, the censuses contain questions that lack context, which means that they are difficult to understand, and this results in erroneous, incomplete, or not addressed statistical data in them. For this reason, the creation of government plans, programs, or policies for the benefit of overcoming this population’s reality of inequality and social injustice are complex to implement and materialize.

After five years of the founding of the International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights, we remain committed to the defense of human rights in the region, especially in the countries where we work: Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru. We continue to work to promote and protect the human rights of marginalized populations, especially those due to national or ethnic origin and sexual orientation or gender identity, in addition to those who think and show distinct opinions. This December 10, we reaffirm our desire to contribute to the construction of an equitable society for all based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Police Violence in the Mare Favela: the daily life of a Brazilian trans leader

Photo: Favela da Maré Instagram

On the morning of November 19, Brazilian trans activist Gilmara Cunha, president of Grupo Connection G, an organization that works for the LGBTI community in the Complex of Maré (the largest favela complex in Rio de Janeiro), reported on Facebook that her house had been hit with shots at dawn.

The cause of the shooting was one of the police operations that occur in the sector under the pretext of fighting drug trafficking, which has become one of the problems that has most affected the lives of the favela population in Rio de Janeiro.

According to data from the Public Security Institute, from January to August 2019 alone, there were 1,144 deaths caused by police officers[1]. The number is 18.3% higher than data for the same period last year, when there were 967 murders. An analysis by the UOL news site that considered the data for the first half of 2019, showed that of the 881 deaths recorded in police operations to date, occurring in areas controlled by drug trafficking[2].

The current governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel, was elected in 2018 with a speech backed by the fight against drug trafficking. In an interview last year, before taking office, Witzel had already stated that police officers who killed drug traffickers with rifles should not be held liable “under any circumstances” in a true murder policy[3].

According to the Maré Vive site, a communication channel that the community made in collaboration with the Complex of Maré residents from different parts, and who are observers of the police operations that occur in the area, the Special Operations Command Police launched an operation at 4:50 a.m. on November 19, in the Parque Unión, Rubens Vaz, Tide Park and New Holland neighborhoods, all favelas that make up the Maré Complex and the poorest in the sector.

At 5:36 in the morning, the Maré Vive page announced that shots were heard to warn people not to leave their homes for their safety.

 A few hours later Gilmara Cunha’s publication was made, which showed images of the bullet holes in her house. In the publication, Gilmara states that she is proud to be a travesti and a resident of black neighborhoods and slums, but warns that measures must be taken on the situation of violence experienced by people in the favelas, and that it is necessary to discuss racism as a way to build security policies.

This is not the first time Gilmara Cunha has been affected by police operations. In September of this year, we denounced the case that happened during the 1st LGBTI Culture and Citizenship Festival of Favelas, an event with artistic, political, and professional presentations, organized by Connection G, which interrupted its activities due to a police operation in the Favela of Maré. Two inhabitants were killed during the operation, which lasted approximately 20 hours. People who attended the event had to remain locked up until the shooting ceased. Two days later, during the LGBTI Parade of the Favela da Maré, Gilmara Cunha shouted from the top of the car:  

“This State kills us every day! Stop killing us! We are here claiming lives! We live these days practically in the midst of violence, where the police entered our homes, murdered residents, and we cannot allow that to happen! This city is not a separate city! Maré is part of this city! We cannot accept it as if it were normal! Enough! Enough! Stop killing our slum population! We are here to claim rights! Being here today is an act of resistance!

About the Connection G Group

Gilmara Cunha is a national reference in the LGBTI movement in Brazil. Not surprisingly, on December 8, 2015, she was awarded the Tiradentes Medal, the highest honor granted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro (ALERJ in Portuguese) for the services she provided to the community.

The Connection G Group, chaired by Gilmara, is a civil society organization that has been working since 2006, with the mission of fighting for public policies on human rights, health, public education and security for LGBTI people living in the Favela of Maré. One of them is “Just like you, I also demand my rights!” The objective is, through citizenship and rights classes, to promote the human rights of black transgender women and transvestites in the favelas of Maré and Palmares, to help minimize violations of their rights and promote respect for their lives.

In August 2019, due to the academic visit by Commissioner Margarette May Macaulay to Brazil, promoted by Race and Equality, the Commissioner met the transsexual and transvestite women who participate in this project in the favela.

At a moving meeting, reports of transvestites who were threatened and shot by police officers and who were hit on purpose, exposed for their HIV status in health systems, and many other stories of human rights violations were heard.

It is remarkable that Connection G performs unique work that reaches people whose lives and demands are unseen: the LGBTI population of the poorest neighborhoods.

Race and Equality calls on the Brazilian State to protect the work of human rights defenders and change the logic with which it acts towards people of African descent in the slums. We will continue to monitor the human rights violations of the Afro-LGBTI community in Brazil and will continue to demand that the Brazilian State respect their lives.

[1] Data from the Public Security Institute. Available at:

[2] UOL. La policía mató a 881 personas en 6 meses en RJ. Ninguno en el área de la milicia. 20 de agosto de 2019. Available at: -no-in-militia.htm? cmpid = copiaecola

[3] UOL. “La policía apuntará a la cabecita y … disparará”, dice Wilson Witzel. 1 de noviembre de 2018. Disponible en: -firms-wilson-witzel.htm? cmpid = copiaecola

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No more impunity! International Transgender Day of Remembrance

On Trans Remembrance Day, The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights (Race and Equality) stands in solidarity with the struggles of trans women against the various forms of violence they have been victims of, particularly the violence that has obstructed their lives. The fight against the murder of trans people must be the fundamental basis of any discussion on the implementation of policies or recognition of gender identity. This is the most basic task of all States.

Brazil remains the country with the highest number of trans people murdered in the world. The dossier on murders and violence against transvestites and transsexuals in Brazil of 2018, prepared by the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals (ANTRA), noted that, in 2018 alone, 163 murders of transgender people occurred, 82% of them black. The largest number of trans people were killed in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with a total of 16 murders. According to current ANTRA data, as of November 11, at least 106 transgender people have been killed in Brazil this year(2019).

Murders of trans people also occur in all other Latin American and Caribbean countries.  The effort of some civil society organizations to better document this violence has resulted in various regional observatories that monitor violence throughout the region such as: Sin Violencia LGBT, la Red Lactrans, and the ILGALAC, among others. However, these valuable efforts do not replace the duty of States to adequately register and investigate these acts. The UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and gender expression stated in his 2019 report on data collection and management:

“The breakdown of data that allows comparisons to be made between population groups is part of States’ obligations in the field of human rights, and has become an element of the human rights-based approach to data use.”

Accordingly, we highlight the relevance of not only adequately characterizing violence against the trans population, but also having a better characterization that accounts for their socio-economic situation, educational contexts, and racial characteristics, as it appears that in countries like Brazil, the magnitude of gender identity violence, especially violence against trans people, has had a particular impact on people of African descent.

This task, apart from being carried out through adequate investigation and prosecution work from a criminal perspective, must be accompanied by preventive actions in the different areas of rights protection.  Some actions to adopt include the construction of policies that respond to the origin of multicausal violence, the prevention of domestic violence due to gender identity, transphobic bullying in educational settings, adequate health care with a differential approach, as well as actions of transformation and openness in work spaces.

From Race and Equality, and in alliance with the civil society organizations with whom we work in the Latin American region, we will continue to demand that integral political States denaturalize violence against trans people, and the oversight of names and lives that also deserve to be lived with full respect for their dignity and full guarantee of their rights.

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Statement: Organizations demand that the personal integrity of hunger strikers and detainees in Nicaragua is guaranteed

Friday, November 15, 2019 – 13 activists and human rights defenders were arbitrarily detained on the night of November 14, when they were providing humanitarian assistance to a group of  political prisoners’ mothers, who are gathered in the San Miguel Arcángel Church in Masaya, Nicaragua.

The arrest was carried out by police and paramilitaries outside the church.  The mothers are gathered in the Church and are surrounded by police and paramilitaries, which are preventing anyone from entering or leaving and have besieged the Church, cutting off the electricity and water service.

The people arrested are Amaya Coppens, Ivania Alvárez, Wendy Juarez, Olga Valle, Olama Hurtado, José Medina, Hanzel Quintero, Atahualpa Quintero, Neyma Hernández Jesús Tefel, Roberto Büstching, Derlis Hernández and Melvin Peralta, who were transferred to the prison facilities of the Direction of Judicial Assistance “El Chipote” in the early hours of Friday.

The detention at El Chipote is of great concern due to it being notorious for alleged acts of torture, cruel and degrading treatment, as well as sexual violence against detainees, a risk that may be heightened due to the fact that some of them are known members of the opposition, human rights defenders and former political prisoners.

The situation of the women who remain on hunger strike is equally alarming, since they are deprived of drinking water. They have not eaten food for almost 24 hours and are without access to water or medications, putting their health at serious risk.

These events are occurring in a context marked by an increase in hate speech, attacks and harassment against freed political prisoners, human rights defenders and media critical of the government.

The undersigned national and international organizations:

1. Demand that the Nicaraguan Government  immediate release the 13 human rights defenders and activists arbitrarily detained;

2. Put an end to the siege and the harassment against the political prisoners’ mothers, and restore the electricity and water services to the San Miguel Church Archangel.

3. We hold the Nicaraguan Government responsible for any impact on the health and wellbeing of the persons deprived of liberty and the women who are undergoing the hunger strike.

4. We reiterate our call to the international community to remain alert and act in the face of the aggravation of the socio-political and human rights crisis that Nicaragua is experiencing since April 2018, and in view of the intensification of the persecution and repression faced by activists, organizations, human rights defenders and political prisoners.


Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (IM- Defensoras) – Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL) – Plataforma Internacional Contra la Impunidad – Fondo de Acción Urgente para América Latina y el Caribe (FAU-AL) – Instituto Internacional sobre Raza, Igualdad y Derechos Humanos (Raza e Igualdad) – JASS (Asociadas por lo Justo) – Unión de Presas y Presos Políticos Nicaragüenses – Iniciativa Nicaragüense de Defensoras – Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH) – Comité de América Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres (CLADEM) Nicaragua – Oxfam Nicaragua – Colectivo de Derechos Humanos Nicaragua Nunca más – Ipas Centroamérica – Centro por la Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua (CEJUDHCAN) – Convergencia por los Derechos Humanos (CAFCA, CALDH, CIISH, ECAP, ICCPG, ODHAG, SEDEM, UDEFEGUA, UNAMG), Guatemala – Asociación Red de Jóvenes para la Incidencia Política INCIDEJOVEN – Defensores Sin Fronteras – Fundación Puntos de Encuentro Nicaragua – Asociación de Jueces por la Democracia Honduras – Centro Universitario por la Dignidad y la Justicia Francisco Suárez, S.J.- Asistencia Legal por los Derchos Humanos A.C. (ASILEGAL- MÉXICO) – APRODEH-Perú – La Sombrilla Centroamericana – Front Line Defenders – Centro para la Acción No violenta y Cultura de Paz en Centroamérica – ProDESC – Articulación de Movimientos Sociales y Sociedad Civil (AMS) – Asociación de Jóvenes Feministas Ameyalli – Red de Mujeres de Matagalpa – Feministas Madrid por Nicaragua – Feminista por Nicaragua Euskal Herria – Colectivo Feminista Ecuador – Agrupación Ciudadana por la Despenalizacion del aborto – Popol Na Nicaragua – Agrupación de Mujeres Trans y Culturales AMTC – Centro de Investigación y Acción de la Mujer CIAM – Centro de mujeres ACCIÓN YA – Colectivo de Mujeres de Matagalpa – Campaña 28 de Setiembre por la Despenalización del Aborto – Punto Focal Nicaragua – Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe. Enlace Nacional Nicaragua – Mujeres en Acción,Costa Rica – Colectiva Feminista para el Desarrollo Local – Agrupación Ciudadana por la despenalizacion del aborto – Red Salvadoreña De Defensoras De Derechos Humanos – Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud (CISAS) – Concertación Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres – Colectiva Lupa Feminista – Movimiento Autónomo de Mujeres – Articulación Feminista de Nicaragua – Fundación Acceder Costa Rica – Abuenica – Cooperacció – Handmaids Costa Rica – Ni una menos Costa Rica – Instituto de Liderazgo de las segovias – Coalición Cívica 19 de Abril Matagalpa – Asociación Agentes de Cambio Nicaragua – Nicaragua Protesta – Activismo Digital Nicaragüense (ADNIC) – Movimiento 19 de Abril Jinotega – Alianza Civica de Jinotega -Grupo Anonymous de Nicaragua – Comité Cívico Universitario UCA – REACNIC – Fundenic – Movimiento Estudiantil de Apoyo a la Democracia – Alianza Universitaria Nicaragüense AUN – Alianza Azul y Blanco Chichigalpa – Movimiento Nacional Ambientalista Frente a la Mineria Industrial -Movimiento Sociales de las Segovias – Accion Universitaria – CODENI – Asociación NicaLibre – Sos Nicaragua Madrid – NicaSeattle – Unidad por los Exiliados Nicaragüenses en Panama – SosNicaragua Barcelona – SOSNicaragua- Holanda – Collectif de Solidarité avec le Peuple du Nicaragua -Nicaragua Karavaan – SosBelgique-Nicaragua – SosNicaragua-Europa – SoyNicaragua en Zaragoza – Sos Nicaragua España – SosNicaragua Galicia A Coruña – SOSNicaragua-Sverige – SOS France Nicaragua – Texas Nicaraguan community – SOSNicaragua Finlandia – Guanared Costa Rica y más.

“The situation of violence against Afro-LGBTI people is invisible and systematic in Latin America” Activists warn the IACHR

Quito, Ecuador. November 12, 2019. In the thematic hearing held during the 174 period of Hearings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Quito, Ecuador, LGBTI activists and Afro-descendants from Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Peru presented on the situation of violence, lack of protection, and lack of knowledge of their prevailing rights in each of these States.

Throughout the space, the activists highlighted how Afro-descendants with sexual orientations and non-normative gender identities are at greater risk of suffering from violations of their rights, especially by the States’ general lack of knowledge on the differentiated effects suffered by people living this reality.

Likewise, the activists presented a summary of different cases of murder and violence against transgender people and Afro-descendants, especially those committed with a high degree of cruelty and hatred; in addition to remaining completely unpunished. 

Bruna Benavides, ANTRA activist

“In January of this year, in Brazil, a trans woman had her heart torn out and then replaced by the image of a saint. Her murderer was acquitted of the charge, even though he narrated in great detail how he had killed her and kept her heart at home with a smile on his face,” said Afro-Brazilian activist Bruna Benavides, a member of the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals, or ANTRA in Brazil.

According to information given by Benavides, this year alone, 110 trans people were killed in Brazil, 85% of them black. Likewise, the activist reported that 90% of the population of transvestites and trans women in this country are engaged in prostitution due to the lack of job opportunities.

Furthermore, she pointed out that this group of people are recurring victims of different State institutions due to the inaccessibility of appropriate healthcare services and of fair employment opportunities and recognition, as well as having a lack of respect for their identities. In this regard, Benavides added ,“… today we are afraid to walk the streets again, and as a defender of human rights, I do not feel safe despite the progress we have made because our leaders have common policies of racist hatred , male chauvinism…”

In this order, the leader Justo Arevalo representative of the Colombian organizations Arco Iris de Tumaco, the National Conference of Afro-Colombian Organizations (CNOA), and Somos Identidad, highlighted that contexts of rejection, violence, and discrimination within these communities towards people who assume a non-normative sexual orientation or gender identity create other types of cyclical and systemic violence that threaten the integrity of AfroLGBTI people. An example of this is in Colombia, where there is forced displacement towards cities that sharpen the circles of violence in which these people live.

Justo Arevalo, Colombian activist

“In March of 2019, a report on the realities experienced by Afro-LGBTI people was filed in Bogotá before the Jurisdiction for Peace, whose main findings show that documented violence and impact are blocked by very racial and class-particular relations, typical of the sociocultural, economic, and political environment in which they occur, prejudice as a factor of violence, and the responsibility of illegal armed actors in the face of serious violations of rights against Afro LGBT people, “Arevalo added in his speech.

Belén Zapata, an Afro-descendant trans activist from Peru, alerted the audience of the impact that police abuse has on the lives of Afro-descendant and transvestite people, highlighting that it sets a pattern of deep violence against their right to personal integrity in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Peru.

Likewise, the activist referred to the access of healthcare services by trans-descendant Afro-descendant women in the region, which is characterized in its generality for not being efficient or worthy of use by this population.

In this regard, the activist added: “There are still cases in which medical personnel offer inadequate and/or improper care to Afro-descendant transgender women. This pattern is particularly serious in cases of care for Afro-descendant transgender women who perform sex work and are taken in for injuries as a result of physical aggressions. But also, in cases where the request for other services is related to reproductive health or HIV / AIDS. “

Violation of the rights of Afro-LGBTI people is systematic

“As long as we avoid highlighting the intersection between race and sexual diversity, we will continue to perpetuate a system that makes the Afro-descendant LGBTI community invisible; we will continue to have legal structures, public policies, and government institutions that do not protect or guarantee the human rights of the Afro LGBTI population,” added Katherine Ventura, representative of the American University Legal Clinic. She also pointed out that there are patterns of violence that are particular to the Afro-LGBTI population, naming three: 1) Absence of rights’ guarantees focused on the Afro-LGBTI community; 2) Lack of implementation of existing laws and 3) Inadequate data collection, particularly in criminal investigation processes against Afro-LGBTI people.

On this matter, the Commissioners of the IACHR indicated the responsibility of the States to collect data, generate policies, and promote processes that guarantee the reparation, respect, and recognition of the rights of Afro-LGBTI people. In this regard, Commissioner Margarette May Macaulay urged States to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination as an alternative that seeks to address the issues of Afro-descendants with sexual orientations and non-normative gender identities.

To finalize the hearing, the organizations requested that the IACHR to urge the States of Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Peru to:

1. Urgently investigate cases of homicide and police abuse that involve Afro-LGBTI persons and, consequently, register and characterize them properly.

2. Implement the recommendations of the Afro-LGBTI population that this Commission has made since 2015, particularly those focused on the development of public policies that explicitly include the Afro-LGBTI population.

3. As part of the fulfillment of the objectives proposed in the Decade of Afro-descendants 2015-2024, the Afro-LGBTI population should be included as a beneficiary of justice and development-oriented measures in the region, and it should be requested that all states comply with the recommendations of the Inter-American Commission regarding the importance of providing differentiated data on sexual orientation and gender identity.

4. Suggest the ratification of the Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Intolerances and the Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance to all States.

5. That the Inter-American Commission publish the report of the on-site visit to Brazil in 2018 and the rapporteur on the rights of Afro-descendants and racial discrimination visit Brazil to better know the situation of the Afro-LGBTI population, with effective participation of civil society organizations.

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XXIII National Meeting of the National Association of Travestis and Transsexuals(ANTRA): “Addressing Prejudice and Stigma with Combined HIV Prevention”

Last week, October 28-31, the 23rd national meeting of the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals (ANTRA) took place, a network of Brazilian trans organizations working to promote the rights of transgender people. The meeting’s theme was “Addressing Prejudice and Stigma with Combined HIV Prevention,” and was attended by around 60 trans activists representing all 21 states of Brazil.

Pitty Barbosa, ANTRA activist

The meeting took place in the city of Tapes, 108km from Porto Alegre, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The option of holding the national meeting outside of the main metropolitan areas of the country was due to the great invisibility of human rights violations that occur far from large urban centers where all major events occur. Indeed, during the meeting, many activists reported their precarious conditions for reporting human rights violations and for giving visibility to the murders that occur without any media coverage.

“Throughout Brazil, inland cities are largely abandoned by all LGBTI policy managers and portfolios. We must have a more direct and incisive look at this population which is so devoid of rights. This is why we need to do more actions outside of the principal cities. ” Pitty Barbosa, from the city of Iguaíba which is located in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, affiliated with ANTRA

Due to a lack of resources, the meeting did not happen two years ago. Besides this, unlike in other years in which it was possible to hold regional meetings prior to the national ones, there were no resources or structure to hold the regional meetings, which made it impossible to gain a deeper understanding before the debates.

HIV epidemic in Brazil

Brazil is currently experiencing a new HIV epidemic. According to the latest data from the epidemiological bulletin released annually by the Ministry of Health, between 2007 and 2017, the number of young people infected with HIV jumped from 1,320 to 10,618, a growth of about 700%.

However, the alarming increase in the number of cases of HIV infections, AIDS illness and deaths due to opportunistic diseases has not reached all sections of the population in a homogeneous way. AIDS in Brazil has class, race, gender and sexuality.

For example, by analyzing data on race / color and gender categories over the past 10 years for AIDS deaths, major discrepancies are observed. While, in the last 10 years, white men and women have experienced a large reduction in the number of deaths from 5461 in 2007 to 4352 in 2017, the same has not happened for the black population. In 2007 there were 5111 deaths of black men and women, while in 2017 the number rose to 6699.

A similar movement is observed if we look at infections by sexuality. In 2007 heterosexual men accounted for 46.7% (1230) of those exposed to HIV in Brazil, and in 2017 they represented 34.1% (9027). Men who have sex with men, in turn, went from 45% (1569) to 63.3% (16633) in the same time period, becoming a large majority, and showing that there was a failure in prevention.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health who attended the ANTRA meeting mentioned a recently commissioned survey by the Ministry that estimated that today about 40% of Brazil’s population of transvestites and transgender women live with HIV. However, throughout the epidemiological bulletin, there is no mention of transgender people.

This unfeasibility reveals how cis-heteronormativity is positioned as the universal parameter of Brazilian institutions, which are not committed to the lives of trans people in the country.

This is because transvestites and transgender women are, as a rule, allocated to the category of “men who have sex with men” unless, in theory, they have been able to rectify their name and sex on the civil registry.

In any case, the ANTRA meeting was an opportunity for the various activists who were present to learn, on one hand, about the mechanisms of combined HIV prevention, asking which strategies make the most sense for the reality of transvestites and transsexuals, who do not have the same level of information and access to state resources as cis white gay men living in urban centers.

Also, several difficulties that this population faces in their day-to-day life concerning the healthcare system were shared, such as: people who had their serology exposed to their communities, doctors who missed their appointments on the day that their viral load would occur, health professionals who did not have the antiretroviral drug on the day they should get the drugs, among many other things that have an impact on transvestites and transgender women’s ability to gain access to HIV treatment in Brazil. At a time when the fundamentalist conservatism that has been growing in Brazil has been trying to curb HIV prevention campaigns so as not to “sexualize” young people, the organizations that attended the ANTRA meeting were unanimous about the need for support for prevention policies that can come through, directly to the population that needs it the most.

The lives of transgender people cannot be set aside. Race and Equality remains committed to supporting organizations working to combat racism, machismo, and LGBTI phobia in the country, also when expressed at an institutional dimension. We congratulate the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals for the event, and call on the Brazilian State to promote specifics aimed at facing the HIV / AIDS epidemic at a time when the black, LGBT, and especially the trans population has been so hit by this epidemic.

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Isaac Porto, Consultor LGBTI de Raza e Igualdad en Brasil

Race and Equality demands effective medical care for the Cuban activist Xiomara Cruz Miranda

Photo: Radio Martí

The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights (Race & Equality) expresses grave concern regarding the health of Cuban activist Xiomara Cruz Miranda, whose condition has worsened in recent days while she awaits a firm diagnosis. Her situation is all the more concerning given that she should be benefiting from the precautionary measures granted to her by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

According to reporting from the independent media outlet Diario de Cuba and the testimony of her family members, Xiomara Cruz’s status remains delicate and uncertain. “She continues to be very debilitated, with constant fevers and severe muscle pains. Her doctors are giving her daily medications and running tests, but they still give vague answers to our questions and do not give us any written documents,” according to one of her family members.

At first, doctors believed that Xiomara suffered from tuberculosis; she has received tuberculosis treatments throughout her time in the hospital. However, tuberculosis tests conducted in early August showed negative results. According to a statement in Diario de Cuba by Xiomara’s daughter Clara Iznaga, the doctors could not explain this result and “they do not understand why she continues to have these pains…The doctors change their opinions and never give a clear answer. One day it is tuberculosis, the next day it is lung cancer. Although they have run several tests, they have never shown the results to the family, which is why we really do not trust the doctors.”

Although some press sources have reported that Xiomara will be sent home now that she is no longer believed to be contagious with tuberculosis, Cuban activists report that she will actually be transferred to another hospital to be tested for cancer. Doctors raised the possibility of lung cancer early in Xiomara’s ordeal and subsequently ruled it out, but her family members are now re-considering the possibility as they still cannot find any explanations for her continued illness.

“What they’re doing is putting us through a labyrinth,” said one family member regarding officials’ non-committal and negligent treatment of Xiomara and her family, noting that doctors have not yet addressed a third possible diagnosis of non-tuberculosis bacterial lung infection.

As Diario de Cuba reports, Cruz Miranda was sentenced to one year and four months in prison for her supposed crime of “threats.” She began her sentence in the El Guatao women’s prison and was later sent to Ciego de Ávila, where she was hospitalized with skin lesions and other symptoms that have only worsened over time.

In July of this year she was transferred to Havana for treatment in La Covadonga hospital (where she remained under custody). At the end of July, she was rushed to intensive care with low hemoglobin, fatty liver, fluid in her lungs, shortness of breath and a high red blood cell count along with the same skin condition.

Race & Equality insists that the Cuban state guarantee Xiomara’s right to health by prioritizing and delivering the medical attention that she needs. Although Xiomara was perfectly healthy upon being taken into custody, her life is now in danger. She is suffering from daily fevers, has lost weight and is very weak. Medical negligence and blatant violations of Xiomara’s rights to life, health and dignified treatment are obvious given these facts. We urge the international community to speak out regarding the serious danger to the activist and rights defender’s life.

The struggles of being Transgender and Afro-descendant in Colombia

The Trans Support and Action Group Foundation (GAAT, for its initials in Spanish), in partnership with ICASO, carried out the event “Transcending Barriers: Rights and full citizenship for people with experience of trans life” from the 16th to the 19th of September 2019. This event was attended by trans activists from eleven different regions of Colombia that met in Bogotá to discuss how their human rights are being guaranteed, what are the barriers they struggle with to access services, and how to create some strategies to overcome these challenges.

The event was also attended by five Afro-descendant activists with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities -four trans women and a non-binary person- from the departments of Tolima, Valle del Cauca, Atlántico, Chocó and the municipality of Montes de María; who addressed their reflections from the experiences that frame their reality as Afro-trans people living in Colombia.

Among the comments highlighted by the activists was the latent discrimination they live with in their territories, generated by barriers to access to different rights such as health, education, and work.

“… the Constitutional Court ruled that trans people who wanted legal recognition of their gender identity in their EPS could do it, and this issue is still a complication in the territory…” Afro-trans Chocó activist.

“… In hospitals as elsewhere, there is not yet a focus on differential care for trans men and trans women. So, that makes (going to) the doctor a complete torture, […] the treatments that one can already follow, but then they give you a lot of obstacles and paperwork, and in such a way that finally you get tired and don’t go to receive your hormones, or go to the doctor at all… ” Afro trans non-binary activist from Valle del Cauca.

The activists also denounced teachers and classmates who use strong dynamics of discrimination in educational spaces; in addition, they stated that there are policies that deny the gender identity of diverse people, because authorities refuse to issue official documents with the identifying names of those people.

Regarding the guarantees of access to work, the leaders expressed that there are no labor inclusion policies for trans people, therefore, they are not even interviewed for the positions they aspire to have, or there are more requirements imposed on them – such as the completion of multiple courses – to delay their applications.

“… Work for transgender people in my municipality is very scarce. It is something sad, because there we talk about labor inclusion [but] a trans girl […] just for having her male name on her ID, is called by her masculine name, not by her identifying name […] When [whoever is in charge of the job interview] enters, [says] ‘what a shame, the interview cannot be done because you appear under another name’.” Afro trans activist from Montes de María.

“Our race is also a cause of violence and a factor that generates new dynamics of discrimination and marginality,” said one of the Afro-trans activists, referring to the differentiated violence that Afro-descendant women face in comparison to the rest of the population classified as “mestizo white.” Accordingly, the leaders referred to a social and state discourse that denies the existence of racism and systems of structural discrimination by pointing out that racism has diminished or does not exist. This creates an invisibility of their identities in official statistics.

“… In the prosecutor’s office or in any other entity, they do not take the time to ask one how one identifies oneself […] I realized this through a process that I took to the prosecutor’s office […] I had the right to say that I am an Afro-descendant trans person. I went to the official, I approached and told him. [He replied:] ‘But you have to understand that everyone is recognized as white or mestizo. There is no Afro.’” Afro trans activist from Montes de María

Structural racism is also illustrated by the stratification of the territories, where Afro people inhabit the poorest areas, and those who have a better standard of living do so through a lot of work or association with mestizo white people. Because of this situation, there is a lack of the guarantee of rights in places predominantly inhabited by Afro people. In turn, this barrier is accentuated when Afro people also have diverse sexual orientations or gender identities because their violence becomes more complex.

“We could say that you have to take sides, or defend yourself as an afro person, or defend yourself as a diverse person, but not both, impossible, that would be death”. Afro trans activist from the Caribbean.

Systematic forms of psychological violence and discrimination in the territories are other situations that, according to the stories told by the leaders, violate the integrity and rights of Afro-trans people. “Generally, the first thing that is affected is self-esteem, because to understand that they begin to look at you first, to judge you without even knowing you, sometimes simply because of your skin color, that is brutal. And the other thing is that […] you have your hair and you have your afro, and they come to want to touch your hair without asking, that is already violent because they are invading your space and they don’t even ask,” details non-binary Afro trans leader from Valle del Cauca.

Finally, within their own family, or even in spaces shared with LGBTI people, their ideas are not validated by their peers in the same way as the ideas of their white mestizo companions and counterparts.

“If you are black, it is a proposal, but if you are white, the proposal is validated.” GAAT Executive Director.

Given the various structural problems that undermine and deepen the circles of poverty, racism, discrimination, and marginalization of Afro people with diverse sexual identities and orientations, activists pointed out the importance of creating spaces in the territories that reinforce the ideas of family building, outside the “traditional-conventional” biological form that reduces the construction of the family bond to the consanguinity traits of family members. In addition, they proposed the creation of policies for access to health, work and education for trans people.

At the same time, they pointed out that the State institutions require pedagogies and trainings regarding the Afro-trans issues with a territorial focus. “These activities must be directed by people who are empathic with the issue in order to create much deeper discussions and lessons,” stressed the activists. They also said that it is important that there is greater empowerment of new Afro-trans leaderships, and pointed out relevant ways that social organizations should strive to create greater spaces of inclusion for Afro people who understand first-hand the specific complexity of their daily lives in the territories.

The Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights (Race and Equality) was invited by GAAT to hold a short workshop during the afternoon of September 16th. This invitation was motivated by the need found by the executive direction of the organization to incorporate the relationship and intersection of gender identity with ethnic-racial belonging into the agendas, activisms, and work with communities. The workshop was composed of a brief reference to the existence and activities carried out by the Afro-LGBTI Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as a series of findings from documentary reviews made by the member organizations of the Network. Thus, we deepened the need for the incorporation of intersectional approaches in trans activism, referring to situations in which structural racism, together with the dynamics of prejudice against LGBTI people, increase the vulnerability of people who find themselves mostly in contexts of poverty and without protection from the State.

At Race and Equality, we celebrate the completion of these types of conferences in which our counterparts can establish working relationships, as well as expand their relationships, with activisms that work tirelessly for the defense of transgender rights.  . We also highlight the growing interest and commitment in the visibility and social and political impact of the rights situation for Afro-LGBTI people. We believe that this type of interaction is essential for new human rights activists and organizations present in the different regions of Colombia to start creating intersectional analysis efforts from their own agendas.

Brazil: 15 Killings of Transgender Persons Reported in September

Transgender people in Brazil continue to be killed at an extremely concerning rate. According to the National Association of Travestis and Transexual People (ANTRA), 15 trans people were killed in Brazil in September alone, an average of one every 48 hours. From January 1 to September 30 of this year, 89 transgender people have been killed across the country. In the majority of these killings, evidence of extreme violence is present, as seen in the following examples:

            On September 15, the body of 26-year-old travesti Bruna Torres was discovered in the state of Sao Paulo.[1] Bruna’s throat had been slit while her hands and feet were tied.

            On September 20, the body of Médely Razard, a 15-year-old transgender girl, was found in a wooded area in the Sao Paulo metro area. Médely was found with a gag in her mouth and signs of physical trauma. The police concluded that she was sexually assaulted and killed by strangulation with a cord.

            The body of travesti Junia Bispo was found on September 29 in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, showing various signs of a violent attack including thirteen stab wounds.

In August of this year, as ANTRA submitted the report Killings and Violence Against Travestis and Transsexual People in Brazil: 2018 to Inter-American Human Rights Commissioner Margarette May Macaulay, the organization’s Secretary of Political Relations Bruna Benevides said:

“This dossier is stained with blood and based above all on a cry for help. What more can we do as institutions, companions, organizations and movements to prevent other travestis, trans women and men and non-binary people from being killed for who they are?”

More transgender people are killed in Brazil than in any other country, with 163 such cases recorded in 2018. It is clear that trans people in Brazil live in a context of great violence and that the Brazilian state is not achieving, or even seeking to achieve, protection of trans people’s lives.

As Brazil experiences a serious political backlash against the LGBTI population, it is essential to bring attention to the danger that trans people face and their basic struggle to survive. As part of Race and Equality’s continued commitment to equality and justice, we call upon the Brazilian state to investigate these deaths and guarantee that all Brazilians can freely express their sexual orientation and gender identity.

[1] Travesti is a category of gender identity frequently used in Latin American countries. It describes a person who is assigned a male gender at birth and assumes a feminine gender role, sometimes through “feminizing” body modifications such as hormone therapy, breast implants or silicone injections.

Stop killing us! Grupo Conexão G from Favela da Maré in Brazil

The first-ever LGBTI Culture and Citizenship Festival of the Favelas was held from September 6-8, in the midst of a police operation that lasted almost 20 hours and left two people dead, leading the community of Maré to cry out, “Deixem de nos matar!” [“Stop killing us!”].

Since 2006, Grupo Conexão G has been carrying out vital work in Complexo da Maré, a conglomerate of 19 favelas located in Rio de Janeiro among the city’s main access roads and close to the international airport. In 2010, when the last census was taken by the federal government, Maré had about 130,000 inhabitants.

Maré is one of the most dangerous favelas in Brazil. Completely controlled by drug traffickers, Maré is constantly in a state of warfare among rival gang factions and the police. This logic and mindset of war is perpetuated by a drug-fighting discourse that criminalizes the entire favela population. In a scenario in which this population is systematically denied rights such as health, education, work and leisure, among others, the main relationship between these people and the state is one of violence.

Conexão G was the first organization in Brazil that began working directly and exclusively with the LGBTI population of the favela. Since its birth, the organization has carried out projects aimed at public safety, employability, health, education and culture for the Black LGBTI population. Intersectionality is a key guiding principle of the organization’s work.

In a conversation with Race and Equality, Gilmara Cunha, a transgender woman who is the founder and director of Conexão G, said that when the organization came into existence in 2006, LGBTI people lived in a context of great violence and oppression at the hands of other favela inhabitants – a context that persists to this day:

“At that time, and even today, we were experiencing a lot of violence and oppression from other inhabitants. We could not participate in some spaces, because we were physically and verbally attacked. One of the most memorable moments was when a group of travestis [a Portuguese word describing a variety of feminine gender expressions] went to a place where they were playing samba music, and some people started throwing onions and sticks at us and we had to flee. From there, we thought: ‘something needs to be done to transform this reality and transform the politics of the LGBT movement,’ which was and still is a middle-class movement. At this moment we started coming up with an agenda that could actually attend to and include the favela population, because today’s policies are designed for the middle class and these policies do not reach us”, she said.

As an example, Gilmara cites the recent decision by the country’s Supreme Court to equate homophobia with the crime of racism:

“See, homophobia has been criminalized and equated with the crime of racism. But if we are in this area [the favela] and make a report, the police will not come here. If the police do come, that puts our lives at risk, because everyone knows each other and will know who made the report.”


In fact, in many cases, people that live in favelas are forbidden by traffickers to go to the police if their problems might lead to an investigation, in order to prevent the police from challenging traffickers’ control of their territory.

The 1st LGBT Culture and Citizenship Festival of the Favelas: Marked by Police Aggression

 Since 2010, Conexão G has held the Favela da Maré LGBTI Parade every year. This year, besides the Parade, they also held the 1st LGBTI Culture and Citizenship Festival of the Favelas, an event with various components that combined art, culture, fashion, sustainability, politics and entrepreneurship. The activities were held from September 6 to 8, ending with the LGBTI Parade.

However, on the first day of the event, a police operation took place in Favela da Maré. The operation lasted about 20 hours and resulted in two people being killed.

Such police operations are one of the main issues facing Favela da Maré. The current government of Rio de Janeiro has adopted a policy within the favelas that can truly be described as “slaughter,” with police officers shooting indiscriminately from helicopters. As a result, from January to June of this year, 881 people were killed in police operations in Rio de Janeiro state – the highest number in the last 17 years.

The police operation affected the schedule of Conexão G’s event and endangered the attendees



“It is a war that is not against drugs, but against the poor, black and favela population. For example: yesterday there were 2 people murdered, several houses were broken into. This affected our schedule during this week, especially on the first day. There was shooting all the time. We got stuck at the Maré Arts Center and couldn’t leave. This makes me wonder: what kind of state is this that does not consider this space as part of the city? The feeling is not only of fear, but also a feeling that nothing can be done. But we are there in the resistance,” said Gilmara.

Mariah Rafaela, another trans women that works for Conexão G and with the Instituto Transformar, was also present, and said:



“It was terrible. When we realized that the police were entering the favela and we started to hear the sound of gunshots, we were certainly very worried about the physical safety of the people who had come to attend the event. There were many shots and we had to cancel the activities. We closed the gate and we were trapped inside, waiting for the shots to end or to have a short moment to get out of where we were. It is very difficult to carry out this work in Maré, but we will continue to persist.”

For this reason, the Favela LGBTI Parade, held on September 8, was marked by demands against police violence. Gilmara Cunha proclaimed:

“This state kills us every day! Stop killing us! We are here claiming for lives! We lived for these days practically in total violence, where police entered our homes, murdered inhabitants, and we cannot allow that to happen! Maré is part of this city! We can’t accept it as if it was normal! Enough! Stop! Stop killing our poor, favela population! We are here to claim rights! Being here today is an act of resistance!”

Gilmara Cunha also reported that, given the Brazilian political scenario, this will be the last year that the Favela da Maré Parade is held. “For now, it’s the last parade. God only knows what the scenario will be like next year”, she said.

Race and Equality recognizes that the lives of the LGBTI favela’s population requires special attention and visibility and congratulates Conexão G for their courageous action in the face of the great context of violence in Brazil’s favelas.

We will continue to work for the documentation, visibility and denunciation of the human rights situation of the black and marginalized LGBTI population in Brazil, and we demand that the Brazilian State guarantee the right of this population and also guarantee the necessary security for Conexão G’s work in Favela da Maré.

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